
Blizzard is removing dislikes from diablo immortal trailer
Blizzard is removing dislikes from diablo immortal trailer

blizzard is removing dislikes from diablo immortal trailer

Anything else is pure handwringing by subservient corporate stooges. The audience that paid for the privilege of being marketed to thought the product was shit and not what they wanted. For months, the community has discussed the massive removal of dislikes from the Diablo Immmortal trailer’s YouTube page.

blizzard is removing dislikes from diablo immortal trailer

Written by Medievaldragon on March 31, 2019.Posted in Diablo 3 News. Putting people on pedestals and pretending they're above criticism brings nothing good.īlizzcon is a marketing push to sell products. Debunked: Diablo Immortal Trailer Dislike Removals. This narrative some are trying to spin that booing game corporations is violence against the poor devs who dedicate their lives to entertain as if it wasn't a job like any other is some shit alright. They teased so much earlier this year and this is what they gave us There was no way they thought this would've. Politicians get shoes and food thrown at then when they severely misbehave (not enough times btw). Movies are savagely ridiculed in ways that would put pearl clutching gamers on an early grave if it happened to their favorite gaming brand.īands get rocks and bottles thrown at them when they suck. Movie directors and stars get booed out of festivals and premieres. Theater performers get booed and feet stomped out of the stage for less achieved performances or even for merely being in a bad play they didn't write. Football teams are booed out of the field and get shit thrown at them for losing a game.

Blizzard is removing dislikes from diablo immortal trailer